Zade Vital with its high technological factory and production know how, produces pharmaceuticals mainly in soft gel form as well as hard capsules and syrups.
Zade Vital produces very unique herbal products licensed under the registration of “Traditional Herbal Medicines”.

In two R&D centers there is research going on for innovative pharmaceutical products mainly based on herbal sources and with innovative technologies.
With its expertise in plants, Zade Global has transformed the seeds traditionally used in the treatment of many diseases for centuries into the medical product for human use registered by Ministry of Health in Turkey.
Zade Vital Pharmaceuticals
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Zade Vital Nigelin 900 mg Soft Capsule Black Cumin Seed Oil NIGELLAE SATIVAE OLEUM Product information (PDF)
- Helps in the treatment of allergic rhinitis
- Immune-enhancing and antioxidant effect
- Regulatory effect of blood lipid levels
Zade Vital Cucurmin 320 mg Soft Capsule Pumpkin Seed Oil CUCURBITAE SEMINIS OLEUM Product information (PDF)
- Helps in the treatment of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) symptoms
- Helps in treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms associated with overactive bladder and urinary incontinence
Zade Vital Punimin 400 mg Soft Capsule Pomegranate Seed Oil OLEUM PUNICEA SEMINIS Product information (PDF)
- Immune-enhancing due to antioxidant properties
- Helps reduce triglyceride-blood lipids
Zade Vital Corvital 625 mg Soft Capsule Flax Seed Oil OLEUM LINI Product information (PDF)
- For those who cannot consume fish oil, especially vegetarians, Vegetable Omega 3 (ALA) source
- Helps in treatment of chronic constipation and mild gastrointestinal disturbance
- Helps in Treatment of cardiovascular diseases
- Regulatory effect of blood lipid levels
Zade Vital Rotavin 500 mg Soft Capsule Grade Seed Oil OLEUM VITIS VINIFERAE SEMINIS Product information (PDF)
- Helps in treatment of hypertension
- Helps in treatment of varicose and reduces the complications
- Helps reduce the symptoms associated with chronic venous insufficiency
- Helps reduce the symptoms and complications of hemorrhoid
- Regulatory effect of blood lipid levels
Not available in US.